icon octopulse experts implement optimizations

Custom-made ad campaigns for instant traffic

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Why using SEA ?


On average, 1€ invested in Google ads campaigns
turns into 2€ of sales.

While SEO requires more time to generate results, sponsored links are expected to provide instant qualified traffic to your website. This service helps you to position yourself in the first results, over your competitors.

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I pay 400€ and I get a minimum of 1,176 visitors* !

Start my ad campaign
*calculation based on data provided by Google

How do SEA campaigns work ?

Search Engine Advertizing or SEA ensures multiple customization opportunities.

Hence we can accurately target the prospects you are seeking: demographic characteristics (sex, age, socio-professional category), geographical attributes (location, language), temporal information (day, period and broadcasting hours).

big poulpe

Flexible and tailor-made ad campaigns !

Select your monthly media budget

With or without binding conditions and starting from 200€ per month, we design and manage your targeted ad campaigns.

Launch of your campaigns

Prior to any campaign, we conduct analyses of your website, your positioning and your competition in order to determine the best strategy.

Our experts place your website on searches generating a high volume related to your business.

To maximize conversion, ad campaigns are segmented according to your targeted market (geography, demography, hours,...).

Flexible budget

You only pay ads clicked by users. Only prospects interested in your activity will be taken into account. You can adjust your media budget at the end of each month !

Monitor the results on your traffic

We optimize your campaigns continuously to adapt to trends and ensure the lowest acquisition cost possible. At all times, you have access to a performance report to analyse the impact of your campaigns on your traffic.